Crystal Renn (2002), age 15, 95 to 105 lbs, at the height of her eating disorder
(Photos from the author's personal collection)
"This is a story about two pictures.
"The first is a photograph of the supermodel Gisele. Taken by the photographer Steven Meisel, it appeared in Vogue in 2000. Gisele is in a clingy white gown, posing in a studio against a seamless gray backdrop. Her skin is golden and gleaming. Her hair is windblown, as if she's been surprised by a breeze from an open window just out of view. Her hands, her eyes, the curve of her back -- everything is graceful and expressive. She's mesmerizing.
That's when the Scout said, "This could be you."
And even though I was only fourteen and weighed sixty pounds more than Gisele and had all the sophistication of a girl from Clinton, Mississippi, population twenty-three thousand, I believed The Scout.

To purchase Crystal's book, click the link!
Watch Crystal's interview on ABC:
And below are excerpts from an interview of Crystal by Katie Hintz-Zambrano for Stylelist on August, 24, 2009:
After conquering the eating disorder that transformed her body, Renn, now 23, is happy to call herself a size 12 plus-size model, who, with her new curvy figure has walked the runway for Gaultier, graced the pages of Vogue and starred in ads for Dolce & Gabbana.
Renn's new book about her intriguing journey, titled "Hungry," comes out September 8 (pre-order it at Amazon.com).
We landed an exclusive interview with Renn in which the beauty opens up to StyleList about the dark side of modeling, accepting her body and coming out on top.
StyleList: Why did you decide to write this book?
Crystal Renn: I could only reach a certain number of people through magazine interviews and I wanted to take it to the next level and go into greater depths about my story. One of the messages I wanted to get out was that no matter who you are or where you are, you can accomplish your dreams. I'm a girl from Clinton, Mississippi, and here I am in New York. I also wanted to talk about body acceptance and help women feel empowered.
SL: How did your eating disorder develop once you were trying to achieve the model shape?
CR: It started gradually. I switched to whole wheat bread or eating eggs instead of beef. Just making everything lower in fat. Then it came to cutting out desserts completely. I ended up losing 30 lbs in 2 months, but then I plateaued. That's when it got pretty serious. I started exercising everyday between 1 hour and 8 hours. I wouldn't eat above a thousand calories. And the weight started coming off again. And this was all before I was even modeling yet. I was 15.
SL: Once you were in New York booking jobs and maintaining a weight between 105 and 95 lbs, did your agency and the people around you know what was happening?
CR: I think you had to be aware that something was wrong -- the veins coming out of my arms, the lack of energy, the hair falling out, being in a sullen dark place all the time. That's not normal for a 16-year-old girl. But they pushed me harder and even set me up with a very expensive trainer. I think they turned the other way.
SL: Did you notice the same issues happening with the models around you?
CR: The thing about anorexia is it's a really private thing. People who share openly think they are going to be judged. But I did meet other girls that I knew were suffering with it. I had a roommate and we were eating disorder buddies. And at shoots girls would share tips and it was really quite twisted. One girl said, "When I really want dessert I just eat fat-free Jell-o and I just eat tons of it." Or there were tips on drinking Diet Coke or eating just the peel of apples.
SL: What was your own diet like?
CR: I was probably eating 600 or 700 calories a day. I would steam vegetables and eat them with fat-free dressing for breakfast, for lunch it was lettuce with balsamic vinegar, for dinner maybe the same thing. Everything was always fat-free or sugar-free.
SL: What made you stop?
CR: At 17 my body completely rebelled. I couldn't lose more weight and I realized I was going to die for a job. The next day I was completely chastised by my agency for my size and one agent pulled me aside and said, "There's an option for you. You can either go plus-size or do commercial work." And I asked, "What's plus-size modeling? I've never heard of that." And she said, "Well it means you can be whatever size you want and model." But she said it was for old women! But for whatever reason, everything made sense and I knew this was the route I had to take. I went and had a salad with salmon and walnuts and olive oil. I gave into what my body needed. I could be healthy and happy and still model.
SL: Then you switched agencies to Ford's plus-size division and you've had a successful career. Do you think the enduring waif aesthetic in fashion will ever change?
CR: I believe it'll change because fashion is always changing. A hundred years ago, heavier women were more ideal and now it's a size 0. I think it's a cycle and I think that women want to see themselves in the pictures -- they want to see their size, color and height. I think if that happens, it'll make women feel more empowered and they'll love themselves more. In fashion, it starts with the sample sizes and I think designers are becoming more aware. But I think there have been many positive changes. I've done all of the Vogue's and Dolce & Gabbana ads. It's just a matter of time before it's brought back to mainstream."
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*THANK YOU* simply aren't sufficient words to express to you how grateful and blessed I am to have come across your website. As you know, I'm a "recovered" anorexic of 10 years. Well, today, I had to meet with our wedding photographer. He showed me tons of example photos of other brides, and all I could think was, "I need to lose weight for the wedding!!!" I came home and ate nothing the entire evening. Some part deep within me knew that I was doing something wrong and dangerous, but seeing my naked reflection in the mirror set off the panic of anorexia. FORTUNATELY, it occurred to me to visit your site again, as it always helps me to feel better about myself and my healthy body, as it looks NOW, rather than when I was skeletal. And this article was like a monumental wake-up call for me. I see Crystal, and read her story, and I slowly remember ALL of the things I've learned throughout the recovery process: that we all deserve love and food, that curves are beautiful and feminine, and that self-starvation is self-hatred.
THANK YOU, for pulling me out of my brief rut, and bringing me back to reality - the reality that I look beautiful JUST AS I AM, cellulite and tummy rolls and all. I look like a REAL woman. THANK YOU - you are saving more lives than you will ever know! May God bless you abundantly for your dedication to this issue, and for the immeasureable help you are giving to those struggling with eating disorders!!
I hope all is well in Canada. :) As always, you are in my prayers. Have a wonderful weekend!
Love & hugs,
Holly :) xo
Reading your comments brought tears to my eyes.
I'm so happy this post about Crystal brought you back, as you said, to reality.
I was reading the current issue of Vanity Fair magazine last night and there, gracing one full page, was the breast cancer ad featuring Crystal. She is stunning.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely words about my site. You made my day.
Sending hugs and love your way,
This is amazingly inspirational. Crystal is beautiful. I am fortunate enough to have never had an issue with my weight; I eat healthily and exercise but do of course let myself have 'human' times with chocolate and lazy days. I am curvy and I love it. Hopefully more girls will realise their beauty and be true to their healthy selves.
Thank you Medusa!
Crystal is a beautiful inspiration. However I find it so strange that she is considered 'plus-size'. She looks my size! I mean Marilyn Monroe was considered beautiful even to the modeling industry and she was a size 16! I think it is really lame that people can buy into the whole 'the thinner the prettier' crap. I know that my ranting sounds pretty dumb I just get carried away, I don't know why society wants us to be unhealthy. I think that healthy should be glorified.
I wish more people would focus on just being healthy rather than fitting into a certain size. I think Crystal Renn is starting to figure this out...
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