Rachel Zoe, so-called celebrity stylist to the stars, is often referred to as "the architect of size 0 mania."
And just what does this celebrity stylist do? Well, Rachel Zoe charges her celebutart clients, like Lindsay Lohan, between $6,000 and $10,000 a day to assist them in choosing clothing, accessories and other frou-frou for red-carpet appearances, magazine shoots, blah blah blah. Because most of of her famous clients, like Lohan, sport stick-thin bodies, sunken fake-tan-orange faces and oversize sunglasses, they are referred to as "Zoebots."
Zoe has been slammed by other stylists and the media for continuing to fuel size-zero mania:
What is so alarming is that it's obvious Zoe has a serious eating disorder, which she denies. Zoe's body is certainly not one to be emulated by her clients, like Lohan, or young girls & women, especially those struggling with body issues.
Since Nicole Richie dumped Zoe as her stylist, I find it interesting that Richie has gained weight and is more curvy these days. At one time Richie looked just like Zoe:
Below are some more pictures and quotes by Zoe:

"It's not that I don't eat. I eat." Lunch? "Truth? I don't. I'm not a lady who lunches; it's a lull in the day." What's the daily diet? "When I'm on downtime, like on vacation with Rodger, I take care of myself. But when it's me working on my own, it's 7:00 p.m., and I've had coffee and a grapefruit."

Rachel, you are shockingly thin. Please get help.
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She is so clearly sick and in need of an intervention. Thank you for posting this, I would never want ANYONE to think looking like this was normal. xjill
I must be sick as I admire her will power.
I just wanted to stop by and say I love your blog. I've been stopping by often to remind myself of what can happen when a person becomes obsessed by their weight.
Rachel Zoe looks horrifying. But even more horrifying is that not only is it socially acceptable to look like that, it is encouraged in a lot of ways.
If she could only realize and admit that she's severely ill and needs help, she'd be so much more of a healthy role model... it upsets me that so many people admire her. She's leading many impressionable people in the wrong direction.
Stylist are called stars...
i think it's incredibly rude how you speak about rachel in your post, as if she WANTS people to starve themselves. if she does have anorexia, it's not her choice and she should not be attacked for it. it's people like you who run this blog that make anorexia even more tragic.
You're being a little harsh on her. I really relate to this woman. I work long hours, week days, weekends, into the wee hours of the night... Sometimes I'm working so hard I forget to eat, or I'm hungry and my stomach growls, but I have a deadline to meet, so I keep working. What's scary is that after a while, the hunger goes away and I enter some kind of "rush", where I don't feel like eating at all. I have been like this all my life. I need help too, but seem unable to get my life and my eating habits in order. :(
I think those last comments are missing something. You say you're offended cause you can relate but you're forgetting the fact that not only is she "accidentally" anorexic because of her job, but her job is to encourage other people who are striving for that figure deliberately. She's catering for her own "accidental" size. Please...
Poor poor her -_^
I think using her job as an excuse is a bit poor of her.
I think if she really wanted to look after herself she would, and it obviously serves her in some way to neglect her physical body.
Her weight has been part of the reason she has become so notorious in the media and these days any kind of attention- good or bad- it doesn't matter as long as they get attention and publicity.
She's basically cashing in on starving herself and her self proclaimed 'workaholism' seems like a good enough excuse because it's socially acceptable and 'aspirational' to 'dedicate yourself' to your work. It's part of a patriarchal value-system that applauds self-neglect at the expense of career and social status, and defines worth by surface value.
She probably reasons that if she gained weight and did look after herself, all of a sudden the media would lose interest in her.
I do believe that everything we do is a conscious choice whether we realise it or not- if it's not consciously acknowledged there is a subconscious agenda going on.
We are not victims, we are fully responsible for our behaviour and I have no sympathy for people who play the pity card.
Rumor is that she passes out Clen pills to all of her Zoe-bots!
Why arent you giving fat people a hard time? Why is it okay to tell skinny people they are too skinny, but would you ever tell a overweight person they weigh too much? Double standard. There needs to be way more interventions for the obese in this country rather than focusing on a few people that are too skinny. Plus the overweight are the ones driving up the cost of healthcare with all the weight related issues, blood pressure, diabetes and the thousands of other side effects of being fat.
Anorexia is most certainly a choice... Those who say otherwise are the " victims of life, the wohhh is me"... Zoe looks like walking death... Her body... Her hair... Her skin.. She has depleted herself completely & unless she gets help, she will die.. That's a promise, it's only a question of when...& this is very very sad.
Nina said: "if she does have anorexia, it's not her choice and she should not be attacked for it."
Who's "attacking" her? Answer: No one.
Of course it's her choice, just as someone who eats too much is choosing to do so, whether they understand that or not.
I predict that Rachel Zoe will either end up dead, or close too it, maybe in rehab.
She clearly needs help.
I understand what people mean when they say anorexia is not a choice. It is not a physical disease but a mental one. Yes the person may have made the initial choice, but at some point it stopped becomming a choice and became a need. Its very similar to alcoholism or any other addiction. I love rachel zoe, I think she is incredibly inspiring. I do feel she does not look healthy, but who am I to judge. When I was in h,s I had a friend who was very sick with JRA as a result she was increibly skinny. Rumors flew around school and the nurses and teachers started harrassing her about her weight. They didn't know her story just like we don't know rachels, until we do people should back off.
My goodness, it is tragic, unhealthy ,unbelievable & sick, sick, sick. This is how I feel.
I found your page because I watched Rachel Zoe's show last night, and I said to myself (having unwittingly watched her series from the start) that Rachel Zoe
"post baby" is even more emaciated that before getting pregnant. She really looks horrible. Teens to early twenties can rock the super skinny. but not a woman of her age. The woman needs an intervention
I have worked professionally with anorexics and looking at Rachel Zoe, I can say that she is choosing to starve herself. There are many women in her age group who have eating disorders, not just teens. She definitely has an eating disorder and lives in a fantasy world of fashion and triviality. She is incredibly self-centered and if she doesn't get help for her anorexia, it will take its toll on her in the coming years.
I am in recovery for anorexia and bulimia. Seeing Rachel Zoe inspires me to keep eating and gaining weight. I do feel for her, as an addict does for another addict. Seems like her career is connected to her anorexia, which is probably a big piece of her denial- protecting her job which is her identity. I am so grateful that I am not in the spotlight while in recovery, and my career is not dependent on my weight. Even though hers really isn't, can you imagine how much more creative and brilliant she would be if her brain were not starved of nutrients? Starvation affects our brain the most, our brain actually shrinks. God help her, I agree with others it's time for a serious intervention!
I was watching Rachel's show on Bravo..and suddenly..it wasn't on anymore. No reason given that I ever heard. My husband would usually be reading while I watched the show and he said numerous times "She is anorexic..she looks horrible". I had noticed in some scenes she looked way too thin, but he seemed to see it even through all the layers and scarves she wore. I saw last week that she is now styling shoes..as far as I know..it is online only..and that would keep her behind the scene. I hope she gets help before it is too late!
I was watching Rachel's show on Bravo..and suddenly..it wasn't on anymore. No reason given that I ever heard. My husband would usually be reading while I watched the show and he said numerous times "She is anorexic..she looks horrible". I had noticed in some scenes she looked way too thin, but he seemed to see it even through all the layers and scarves she wore. I saw last week that she is now styling shoes..as far as I know..it is online only..and that would keep her behind the scene. I hope she gets help before it is too late!
I was watching Rachel's show on Bravo..and suddenly..it wasn't on anymore. No reason given that I ever heard. My husband would usually be reading while I watched the show and he said numerous times "She is anorexic..she looks horrible". I had noticed in some scenes she looked way too thin, but he seemed to see it even through all the layers and scarves she wore. I saw last week that she is now styling shoes..as far as I know..it is online only..and that would keep her behind the scene. I hope she gets help before it is too late!
Rachel you look beat! Your too skinny. You look exhausted and very weak to me.
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