If you ever had any doubt as to what a Photoshopper can do to a photo, check out this metamorphosis:

Amazing, no?
Check out this link to see how the photoshopper, Bitcloud, erased the years...
Perhaps Ralph Lauren should hire this guy.
Frankly, I prefer to erase the years with clothespins...

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As a girl who has had an ongoing struggle with bulimia and anorexia, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for this blog. It's an amazing, well rounded site in which people can see the proof and view evidence that ED's are life threatening, addicting, and harmful. I love that you give facts, not opinions. Your voice is genuine. Thank you. Thank you. It's helping me and others so much. :)
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I appreciate it so much.
I hope your struggle eases and you find yourself on the road to recovery.
Sending hugs your way...
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