In an attempt to hide her ill-gotten millions, Heidi/Kimmer bought a house in California two weeks ago. And how did she pay for it? By digging deep into the pockets of those big, ole white stretch pants and peeling off $475,000 CASH that she reeled in from poor, unsuspecting people desperate to lose weight. Now isn't that just special.

As well, she sprung for a new car for herself and her spawn, Brandon.
Heidi? As I understand it, the new house is in your name. If you do decide to transfer it to Brandon or a dummy corporation in an attempt to make it judgment-proof, you might want to look up the meaning of fraudulent conveyance/transfer.
Here's the Coles notes on it from Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fraudulent conveyance, also fraudulent transfer is a civil cause of action. It arises in debtor/creditor relations, particularly with reference to insolvent debtors. The cause of action is typically brought by creditors or by bankruptcy trustees. The usual fact situation involves a debtor who donates his assets, usually to an "insider", and leaves himself nothing to pay his creditors as part of an asset protection scheme. However, it is not uncommon to see fraudulent conveyance applications in relation to bona fides transfers, where the bankrupt has simply been more generous than they should have or, in business transactions, the business should have ceased trading earlier to avoid giving certain business creditors an unfair preference (see generally, wrongful trading). If prosecuted successfully, the plaintiff is entitled to recover the property transferred or its value from the transferee who has received a gift of the debtor's assests.
There is an old equitable maxim: 'One must be just, before one is generous.'"
Just thought I'd give you the head's up on that one, Heidi. Looks like you've been backed into a corner, no?
You might want to spend some time sitting and working in that hot tub, sans water. Might be good conditioning for you as your jail cell will be roughly the same size.
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"You might want to spend some time sitting and working in that hot tub, sans water. Might be good conditioning for you as your jail cell will be roughly the same size."
Kimkins Scam
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