Monday, March 31, 2008




After an uncharacteristic comment on YY's blog by Just Ducky, the darling in the anti-KK movement, my interest in the identity of Just Ducky has waxed rather than waned. For those who may have missed Just Ducky's comment, here it is:

"19 March,
2008 at 2:19 pm

Just Ducky

Mimi: 'I. Just. Don’t. Care.'

Yet,despite your self-acknowledged inability to recall what really happened with any reliable clarity, you insist on continuing to beat dead horses, denigrate individuals whom were instrumental from the beginning and play the martyr, the victim, the innocent?

Ducky strongly suggests you step back and take leave to seek some professional help. Self-righteous, self-serving, victim-mentality tantrums have no place in bringing Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) to justice."

Just Ducky's comment has shocked many. The comment seemed so out of character for the Ducky we all came to love in the anti-KK movement.

So I'm puzzled. And I am not alone in my puzzlement based on the many, many e-mails I have received by people who were aghast and stunned by Just Ducky's comment.

They have also suggested to me the name(s) of the individual(s) they believe would have used the mommy703@whatever e-mail address that was attached to Just Ducky's comment.

Some have pondered, as well, why others are so intent in urging Just Ducky to re-join the anti-KK effort in light of the fact that the civil case is in full swing and criminal charges are likely to be filed against Heidi Diaz: ergo, what useful purpose would Just Ducky serve in resurfacing at this point in time? The trench work has already been done, especially by the Duck Detectives on LCF, and many of the anti-KK bloggers.

As many of you know, speculation is rife that Just Ducky is a collective of anti-KKers with only some having access to the Kimkins Exhausted blog in order to post. Others feel that Just Ducky is one individual, who was fed information by a group of anti-KK sleuths and posted on behalf of that group.

Hearing the siren's call of the masses who are flooding my mailbox with questions and suggestions re the identity of Just Ducky, and since I am Kimkins exhausted from answering all their e-mails, I have elected to put this to the few who still continue to read my blog after my public pilloring as a result of barking up the wrong tree re the identity of Just Ducky last week.

I have compiled a poll on the right-hand side of my blog so that you can vote anonymously for who you believe Just Ducky to be. The names in the poll are a mix of the sublime to the ridiculous, most having been suggested by those who contacted me.

Please remember that this is in an entirely unscientific poll and, therefore, it cannot be extrapolated that the person who garners the most votes is, in fact, Just Ducky. It will only reflect the personal opinion of those who voted for that individual.

If you feel that Just Ducky is a consortium, you will note that the poll allows for multiple votes.

And with respect to the other disquieting matter of the valid mommy703 e-mail address, which Just Ducky used when leaving his/her above comment on YY's blog, who else can you think of who fits the description of the person who has that e-mail address? If you Google "mommy703," you will see what I mean. Any ideas? Is that Just Ducky's e-mail address or was it just concocted out of thin air, with Just Ducky not realizing that it belonged to someone else?

To my mind, it simply doesn't make any sense at all that Just Ducky would have used someone else's e-mail address when posting the comment on YY if he/she did not have access to that e-mail.

If you have any ideas respecting this, please advise so that I may inform the multitude who have contacted me and who are scratching their heads over this like I am.


Follow on Buzz


Anonymous said...

The Mommy703 thing is truly puzzling.

Maybe it's a different Mommy703.

Maybe the Mommy703 who posted the comment as "Just Ducky" is some other Mommy703.

Like many people I've become really paranoid through this whole Kimkins mess, and so maybe it's just the paranoia talking when I contemplate the IMO astronomical odds against there being two Mommy703's who share such similar life situations/circumstance, AND who are somehow involved in the antiKimkins movement or are interested enough in that movement to post comments in antikimkins blogs.

But then again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I don't know who "the real Ducky" is or whether the orginal "real Ducky" is the same person who posted the comments here and at the Yucky blog AND at Ducky's blog. Or whether the original Ducky has been for whatever reason(s) replaced by different Ducky or Duckies.

And I don't know whether the Mommy703 is the real email address of the real Just Ducky, the original Just Ducky, the current Just Ducky, or whatever.

I don't know whether the Mommy703 address belongs to the Just Ducky or whether that Just Ducky tried to trick people by using somebody else's email address.

All I know is, all these people who have a fit every time some other people are "distracting" or "being distracted", seem now to be doing the very same thing they've had such fits about other people doing -- they're distracting and being distracted, from the "real work" of "bringing Heidi down."

All the while ignoring the fact that the "real work" of "bringing Heidi down" has been DONE, and is BEING DONE, no matter what. And yet there continues this squawking every time certain people (never the Untouchables or the Elite of course) say stuff or get interested in talking/ranting/whatever about stuff that isn't sanctioned by the aforementioned Untouchables/Elite/superduper Boopers.

Anonymous said...

By the way ... here are my IP addresses, or at least these are the only two I know about ...

hmm... just recently it was a different IP ... I think the first 3 numbers were 703? But not sure.

My main email address is

Occasionally I'll remember to check the old one, which is

Anonymous said...

Tell me again why Just Ducky isn't PJ/rightnow?

Sleepless in North Dakota

Medusa said...

Dear anonymous who's sleepless in North Dakota :^)

PJ's responses as to why she is not Just Ducky are in the comment section on my blog post here:

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

PJ said, "Whoever 'ducky' might be, and I think I've seen this alias somewhere in the past -- it is definitely not me."

I guess that settles it then. Sorry for asking. :^)

Medusa said...

No need to be sorry at all, anonymous. Glad you found what you were looking for.

Hope you get some sleep in North Dakota :^)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I got some sleep. Thanks!

I also did some research. PJ/rightnow abruptly quit posting at LCF on 07/24/07 after making, what, 20 posts a day before that. And Just Ducky started his/her Kimkins Exposed blog on 07/28/07.

PJ/rightnow came back to LCF on 12/21/07, about two and a half months after Just Ducky abruptly quit posting on 10/06/07.

So it's no wonder that PJ/rightnow only has a vague idea of this 'ducky' of whom we speak. :^)

Anonymous said...

Keep trying.

The answer to the poll is...


mariasol said...

Anonymous said:
"Keep trying.

The answer to the poll is...


Thanks! That narrows it down. I had my own list and it includes names that are not in the poll. That is, if I can trust one anonymous over another :^)

Anonymous said...

Hi Medusa! I am one of the ones who always enjoys your blog as well as many others :)

Glad a blogger has blogged about who the Duck might be! many of us readers are very curious little monkeys!(many want to know who the Truth is too!) :)

one thing I wanted to ask is:
is it really so very unlike Ducky to speak in the way that Mimi was spoken to by her/him/they?

Ducky first started out by blogging about certain people in such a manner as to force their hand into doing something, which they were not going to do of their own volition.

and then in between times, Ducky's blog entries were a sumation of what we all were talking about on the FWK thread as well as at ALC.

whereas The Truth gave us peeks into the private PMs on, something that was very privy information, so to many of us that was real ground breaking news!

ohey maybe the Truth knows who the Duck is?!!!


Anonymous said...

So how do you connect Mommy703 to PJ? I\'ve goooooooogled and can\'t find the connection at all.

Anonymous said...

well y'all know it ain't me cause I graduated from TT U and Ducky is abetter at spelling grammar and owrds them me.

YY did you send an email to that person who posted the ducky post asking them for more info?

I've done that with some folk posting pro kimkins stuff on my blog and discovered some ot the emails don't exist and scarying the dodo out of some prokk folk when my email arrives in their inbox. seems they didn't think anybody would reply to them.

BTW I could go regester mommy703at gmail or yustyucky on another site right now. Anybody can pick any email nic they want if it is availible.
I can't get my preferred screen name on yahoo or hotmail cause somebody beat me to them.

Anonymous said...

If you Google "mommy703," you will see what I mean. Any ideas?

The custody question on a legal advice forum is all I could find for "mommy703"...but the question asked by that person don't mesh with rightnow's situation with her kid and her ex. All you need to do is read her journal at ALC to see that. Instead, you jumped to a conclusion based on little more than a post on a forum from years ago, clearly not her state of residence and clearly not her situation. Good job! (not)

Medusa said...

DivaDi! Thanks SO much! Glad you enjoy my blog :^)

" it really so very unlike Ducky to speak in the way that Mimi was spoken to by her/him/they?

Ducky first started out by blogging about certain people in such a manner as to force their hand into doing something, which they were not going to do of their own volition."

You know, you're absolutely correct. So maybe that comment of Ducky's wasn't so out of character. Good point, DivaDi.

And you know what? I'm sure theTruth knows who Ducky is :^)

Thanks for taking the time to comment, DivaDi. I really appreciate it.

Medusa said...

Hi, anonymous. Glad you got caught up on your sleep ;^)

The timeline you posted is what I had also found.

"So it's no wonder that PJ/rightnow only has a vague idea of this 'ducky' of whom we speak. :^)"

Agreed, though I had originally come to a different conclusion as to why she had stopped posting and was absent from the thread. :^)

Thanks for commenting, anonymous. And please keep in touch.

Medusa said...

"Anonymous said...
So how do you connect Mommy703 to PJ? I\'ve goooooooogled and can\'t find the connection at all.
March 25, 2008 6:18 PM"

At the start of my research, I discovered PJ was a single mom with a daughter. Mommy703 is a single mom with a daughter.

Medusa said...

"2big said...

well y'all know it ain't me cause I graduated from TT U and Ducky is abetter at spelling grammar and owrds them me."

TT U...2big, you break me up!
Lovely to hear from you.

Hopefully, YY will respond re whether or not she sent an e-mail to the mommy703 addy.

Again, great hearing from you!

Medusa said...

"Anonymous said...
'If you Google "mommy703," you will see what I mean. Any ideas?'

The custody question on a legal advice forum is all I could find for "mommy703"...but the question asked by that person don't mesh with rightnow's situation with her kid and her ex. All you need to do is read her journal at ALC to see that. Instead, you jumped to a conclusion based on little more than a post on a forum from years ago, clearly not her state of residence and clearly not her situation. Good job! (not)
March 25, 2008 7:15 PM"

Oh, bite me.

I've apologized to PJ. It's over. Turn the page.

Medusa said...

"Anonymous said...
Keep trying.
The answer to the poll is...
March 25, 2008 2:37 PM"

You wish.

Anonymous said...

Copying this over from my comment at the Yucky blog:

As far as PJ goes, I need to retract what I said at Medusa’s blog and elsewhere about that, because it’s been made clear that what I was informed regarding the similarities between PJ’s life situation and Mommy703’s life situation was incorrect — personally I don’t know. I don’t KNOW these people, and if I do know them I have them confused with other people. All I really know is that the poster signing his/her comments “Just Ducky” has the email address Mommy703. I don’t even know if that’s really his/her email address or whether he/she is using the real Mommy703’s email address, though for what reason I can’t understand.

At any rate, I intended no insult to PJ by thinking she was “the real Just Ducky” because the real Just Ducky that I remember was a person I looked up to.

Anonymous said...

oh, I totally forgot to try emailing that Mommy703 address.

What should I say? I mean, just in case the person who actually owns that email address has no idea that it's been usurped by this other person posting as "Just Ducky."

Let me know and I'll try to remember to take care of that sometime today or this evening.

Anonymous said...

DivaDi says "one thing I wanted to ask is:
is it really so very unlike Ducky to speak in the way that Mimi was spoken to by her/him/they?

Ducky first started out by blogging about certain people in such a manner as to force their hand into doing something, which they were not going to do of their own volition."

Well, so are you saying that Ducky is trying to force my hand into doing something, which I was not going to do of my own volition?

If so, what is it? I'm asking in all sincerity -- what is it you feel that Ducky is trying to get me to do?

Anonymous said...

2B says "BTW I could go regester mommy703at gmail or yustyucky on another site right now. Anybody can pick any email nic they want if it is availible."

That seems to be the case, yes. What I can't understand is, why would the poster referring to him/herself as "Just Ducky" at the comments in my blog use the email address of a real person? At least, I believe it's a real person because of that custody website.

Anyway, I'll send an email to that address today or this evening. Any suggestions re what to say or ask?

theTRUTH said...

"And you know what? I'm sure theTruth knows who Ducky is :^)"

Oh yes. Medusa is Ducky. Or is it me? Medusa is theTRUTH, and theTRUTH is Yucky, or can be at times.

Medusa said...

"theTRUTH said...
'And you know what? I'm sure theTruth knows who Ducky is :^)'

Oh yes. Medusa is Ducky. Or is it me? Medusa is theTRUTH, and theTRUTH is Yucky, or can be at times.

Now, theTRUTH, I thought you swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, yadda yadda yadda.

So please enlighten CJane Ducky?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Truth, check out the poll:

Anonymous said...

The Mommy703 email address is nonvalid. Not sure when or why it was deleted.

Re Ducky and the guessing as to the identity, Medusa I posted a comment in reply to your "Just Ducky:It's Elementary, My Dear Watson" post.

No biggie, just thought it might be a piece of the puzzle.

Anonymous said...

Mimi/Yucky said... "Well, so are you saying that Ducky is trying to force my hand into doing something, which I was not going to do of my own volition?
If so, what is it? I'm asking in all sincerity -- what is it you feel that Ducky is trying to get me to do?"
Mimi I truely don't know what Ducky meant by his/her comment.
All I meant by my question : 'is it really so very unlike Ducky to speak in the way that Mimi was spoken to by her/him/they?'
was because some people seemed to have thought it
out of character for Ducky to speak in such a manner, but to me it did seem in character.

That is all I meant.

and the rest was just my observation and interpretation of what happened when Ducky blogged about Jimmy and then some others at the Kpound.
I didnt mean to imply I thought ducky was trying to get you to do anything. and sorry if it seemed so.

hope this helps and makes sense.


theTRUTH said...

Ducky is Ducky. Can we leave it at that? The real truth is I don't know who Ducky is, and I don't feel the need to. Ducky is Ducky to me. Some probing to find an alter ego doesn't interest me. Why piss off Ducky? Ducky does not need to be exposed. By revealing and discussing the Mommy703 email, a test was failed. Seems there is a need to unmask the unknown and in some cases (like my own) doing so would jeopardize important work. Ducky in my mind is a loyal friend who *can* keep a secret by the way.
So I say let sleeping Ducks lie.

Now I am sure my words will have the opposite effect on some and will make them want to dig harder. "Gee, TRUTH is telling us to stop digging, we must be close to something." It happens every time I ask folks to focus. And I know there is nothing I can do about that kind of attitude, but I'll remain loyal to my web footed friend whether I know who he *really* is or not.

Anonymous said...

so the email was a fake one wow ducky is good at hiding their ID who ever they are

Anonymous said...

ty The Truth.

yes I can stop wondering aloud who Ducky is as well as who you are, for the sake of the Important cont work that needs to be done! To me that is first and foremost.

Hey maybe when Thekimmer is brought down all the behind the scenes persons can come forward to take a bow and be appreciated and let us throw a big barBque in all the fantastic sleuths honor!!!


Anonymous said...

{{2B}}} Dearie, your spelling and grammar are unique! :} Ain't nothin' wrong with unique.

Anonymous said...

DivaDi, it's ok, I took no offense, just thought perhaps you might know what's going on.

Anonymous said...

2B says "so the email was a fake one"

No, or at least that can't be determined. It's possible that the email was valid, and then when it was posted, the owner deleted the account in order to make it appear as though the address had been faked.

What would be helpful would be, if there were a logical reason as to why "the real Just Ducky" would intentionally try to trick people.

From time to time, we've all been subjected to shooshing on the grounds that "we're all on the same team", "we're all on the same side" so we're not supposed to argue or squabble or snark at each other about anything. But here arrives the Fearless Leader, the Team Captain, and even if the criticism is deserved, which I don't believe it was, the tricks and mindgames certainly aren't. Yes we're all supposed to get along, but that only applies to us the madding crowd, the great unwashed. Some ducks are more equal than other ducks. Some ducks are allowed to play snarky tricks and "try to pull the wool over" the eyes of their allegedly "team mates" -- but other such are not allowed to do so much as object to the games and the tricks.

Things have come to light today which lead me to agree with the person who posited that the Mommy703 address was valid but after the Mommy703 address was publicized, the owner -- the person calling herself "Just Ducky" -- deleted the email account, and then commenced to play more tricks, more mindgames, by posting more comments using fake email addresses.

That any self-styled "credible" and "honorable" antiKimkins activist would engage in this (and other mindgames which are coming to light and will be discussed in due time), while bashing me for my own lack of credibility and lack of honor, can IMO only be labeled hypocrisy.

But hey, I've been hypocritcal about stuff from time to time, so it's hypocritcal of me to object to somebody else's hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

thebloggerformerlyknownasTruth says "By revealing and discussing the Mommy703 email, a test was failed."

? Test? What test?

The test to see if I knew how to read the comments log in my own WordPress blog?

The test to see if I would ask people whose knowledge of and experience with the antikimkins movement for their opinion as to the possible identity of Mommy703/JustDucky?

What exactly do you believe "the test" was, and why do you believe it?

And by the way, please stop referring to yourself as "The Truth" -- you are not "the Truth."

You say "Seems there is a need to unmask the unknown"

Well gee what gave you that idea? The need to unmask the unknown -- pffft! whoever heard of such a thing? NORMAL human beings don't possess curiosity. They have no desire or drive to "unmask the unknown." They're all quite content to sit stupidly while other people tell them what's true and what isn't.


You say "and in some cases (like my own) doing so would jeopardize important work."

Oh. Wow. You're doing important work, eh? Cool. I had no idea that shlumpfing around from blog to blog arguing with people about a person whose real identity you claim to not know, is "important work."

I had no idea that setting up blogs with fake i.d.'s in order to harangue HB and other people for their failure to worship at the shrine of Saint Becky, is "important work."

I had no idea that trying to make up your mind about whether to attempt to resuscitate your blog is, "important work."

To blog and pretend to be The Truth, or not to blog and not to pretend to be The Truth -- that is the question, and here's the answer -- at least, it's my answer, FWIW -- it's your blog, to do with as you see fit, and it's a shame that your experience in the antikimkins movement has rendered you so timid or lacking in initiatve that you have to ask everybody what THEY think. It's YOUR blog.

Anonymous said...

thebloggerwhoisNOTthetruth says " It happens every time I ask folks to focus."

hmm... and when exactly do you "ask folks to focus"?

I don't recall seeing any posts by "the Truth in hiding" asking "folks to focus", so I guess you must post under a different name.

mariasol said...

thetruth said:
"By revealing and discussing the Mommy703 email, a test was failed. Seems there is a need to unmask the unknown and in some cases (like my own) doing so would jeopardize important work. Ducky in my mind is a loyal friend who *can* keep a secret by the way.
So I say let sleeping Ducks lie."

So can I look forward to receive a copy of the Blogger's Handbook soon? That will explain to me what I'm supposed to focus on? And why?

theTRUTH said...

Wow, yucky, you have gone from apologizing to ripping me a new one again, accusing me of Becky worship, etc. It gets tiresome. That picture has been on you blog for months, and I haven't said a word until now. Again, I'm sure I deserve your criticism for standing up for my friends and folks who's intentions I know to be innocent. I can't state it any more plainly than that. You apologize for something one day and come right back with it the next.

Now, first you accuse me of not sitting on things/blabbing and then you say that I'm not doing anything important because I am not posting anymore. You can't have it both ways Mimi. I'm either blabbing or I'm a worthless do nothing commenter. Got it.

I haven't played games with you. The point was/is that most of us bloggers don't run around revealing email addresses of folks who leave comments in our blog so we can involve our compatriots in helping to uncover their true identity. The is a time and place for that IMAO, and to "get Ducky" isn't one of those times.

I'm sure there are plenty who agree with me, and plenty who don't, but that is kind of the line that separates one duck from another.

I wasn't asking in my poll for permission to post. Like I am afraid or something? I simply wanted to glean whether in today's climate, the majority of the anti-kimkins populace would welcome a return and find my presence useful. As I'm sure you are well aware, this pastime can use up a great deal of time and energy, and perhaps like Ducky, I am "mulling it over" to see if it is worth it. Frankly your belligerence makes me wish to be done with it all. Again, I ask what I ever did to you?

My name was chosen at a time when I had just learned the truth about Heidi, and I wanted to share the evidence I had with others. I still want to share that truth with people, not get into it with you. So I am sorry if it annoys you, but the name stays.

I welcome the chance to clear the air with you. Email me if you want to do it off line. I have had enough of airing our laundry for public entertainment.

Hi Medusa! Sorry for the blog pollution, but you all mentioned me so I thought I would pop in. No offense.

theTRUTH said...

You are of course free to do as you wish. As am I. I am just expressing an opinion here. Something we are all familiar with. My point was simply that for some of us, the focus was/is exposing Heidi, winning the lawsuit, and giving a 404 error at someday. For others, who may have the same goals, their focus is diluted to duck hunting and other stuff. That's fine for any of you, if that is where you want to go, no one is stopping you, but am I not also allowed to state my opinion that such tactics are divisive and sap strength, energy, and moral from the stated goal? Free speech also applies to the right to comment on the free speech of others, and my simple comment is that duck infighting is detrimental to the stated goal. If someones' goals are different, then good for them too, but state that.

theTRUTH said...

I am no expert on the MCD, as I just don't have the time to devote to that as well. I do applaud anyone with said time who looks into the safety/legitimacy of the MCD, as well as any possible connection to Heidi. That I think otherwise was not to be inferred from my previous comments. I also hold no current opinion of whether the MCD is connected to Heidi, and what little I have read of it, sounds like it could very well be a dangerous VLCD to be avoided/exposed. It just won't be where I'll be expending my limited time.

Anonymous said...

TheTruthAboutHeidi'sPMSystem says "Wow, yucky, you have gone from apologizing to ripping me a new one again,"

I apologized, I think, for having such a fit about your blogging about your access to Heidi's PM system.

TAH says "accusing me of Becky worship, etc. It gets tiresome. That picture has been on you blog for months, and I haven't said a word until now."

? Which picture? Seriously, I don't know which one you're referring to.

Oh the thing about Becky worship -- uh that was perhaps a bit exaggerated, but what I was getting at is that you seem ("seem" IMO) to be one of those people who idolize Becky or believe she's totally innocent and can do no wrong.

TAH says: Again, I'm sure I deserve your criticism for standing up for my friends and folks who's intentions I know to be innocent."

No, not at all. I just can't understand how you or anybody else can say they "know" Becky's intentions are "innocent", especially after the documented timeline information was posted in the fascination thread a while back.

TAH says "I can't state it any more plainly than that. You apologize for something one day and come right back with it the next."

Again I think what I apologized for was using such harsh language in expressing my upset over your blogging about the access to Heidi's PM system.

But if I apologized for other stuff, I'll try to go back and see what it was I said, because I know I do tend to get real snarky real fast.

TAH says "Now, first you accuse me of not sitting on things/blabbing and then you say that I'm not doing anything important because I am not posting anymore."

?! Where exactly did I say that you're not doing anything important because you're not posting anymore?

TAH says " You can't have it both ways Mimi. I'm either blabbing or I'm a worthless do nothing commenter. Got it."

That is NOT what I said, NOR what I believe, NOR what I was attemptingt to convey.

But I know how it is, we're both feeling or seem to be feeling, defensive and aren't reading closely and are getting some things confused.

TAH says "I haven't played games with you."

It certainly seems/feels to me that you HAVE. This thing about some sort of "test." And the comment you left at Yucky's about how you could clear everything up but "maybe that would be boring."

THAT is playing games.

TAH says "The point was/is that most of us bloggers don't run around revealing email addresses of folks who leave comments in our blog so we can involve our compatriots in helping to uncover their true identity."

Tell me please, exactly how many times have I done that? Or do you only object when I do it after receiving a comment from the most high profile antiKimkins blogger from "the old days" who mysteriously vanished and hasn't been seen or heard from in months?

An unexpected surprise, the appearance -- or was it? -- of this much discussed mysteriously disappearing character. And you wouldn't be curious if that was "really" Ducky? You wouldn't ask around and try to figure out if it was really Ducky or some imposter or prankster?

Excuse me for being possessed of a curiosity dissimilar to yours.

TAH says "The is a time and place for that IMAO, and to "get Ducky" isn't one of those times."

argggh! It was NOT my intention to "get Ducky". Good grief! Talk about paranoia!

TAH says "I'm sure there are plenty who agree with me, and plenty who don't, but that is kind of the line that separates one duck from another."

Oh is that what separates one duck from another. All this time I thought there was a bunch of stuff that separates one duck from another -- stuff like mindgames, "tests," snarky peekaboo crap, dictatorial tendencies, power trips, etc etc etc.

TAH says "I wasn't asking in my poll for permission to post."

? Did I ever say you were "asking permission to post"? You seem to have me confused with somebody else.

TAH says "Like I am afraid or something? I simply wanted to glean whether in today's climate, the majority of the anti-kimkins populace would welcome a return and find my presence useful."

That was my impression of what you wanted.

TAH says "As I'm sure you are well aware, this pastime can use up a great deal of time and energy, and perhaps like Ducky, I am "mulling it over" to see if it is worth it."

Worth it? What does that even mean? What would MAKE it "worth it" for you?

Money? Praise? What?

Just wondering.

TAH says "Frankly your belligerence makes me wish to be done with it all."

Belligerence? oh I thought it was just bitchiness. Is that's all it takes to prevent you from doing what you feel is going to help make the world a safer place for people who are desperate to lose weight? The fact that somebody is being bitchy to you?

TAH says "Again, I ask what I ever did to you?"

All I can think of at the moment is these coy games you seem to be playing. Notice -- SEEM, as in that's my personal feeling/opinion as to what you're doing. Oh, that, and that snarky little mud blog you hid behind while having a fit about HB's reaction to Becky's little rant about the MCD. You stick up for your friends, I stick up for mine.

TAH says "My name was chosen at a time when I had just learned the truth about Heidi, and I wanted to share the evidence I had with others. I still want to share that truth with people, not get into it with you. So I am sorry if it annoys you, but the name stays."

ah, I see. What I can do and am willing to do is refer to you as "The Truth About Heidi's PM System", or TAH for short. Just to take the hubris level down a notch.

TAH says "I welcome the chance to clear the air with you. Email me if you want to do it off line. I have had enough of airing our laundry for public entertainment."

Yeah I've seen what happens when I try to work things out via private emails. No thanks. And I'm sorry if you think this is "for public entertainment." It's not. It's called open and honest discussion, with witnesses.

theTRUTH said...

Except there are things I wanted to explain to you that I can't discuss in public. Just forget it. nevermind.

Anonymous said...

? Well if you're serious, and not just playing some sick mindgame like SOME people have been doing, then please email me at the following email address:

Thank you! I'll be very surprised though if you actually do, because quite frankly it seems to me that there's a certain group of "ducks" who enjoy "pulling the wool over the eyes" of other antikimkins activists -- the very same people these "mind game ducks" THEN turn around and scold for not "sticking together."

So anyway, I would appreciate your being honest and straightforward and if that's your intent, then yes please email me. Thank you.

theTRUTH said...

It might not be right away because I want to get my thoughts organized and at the same time try not to say anything inflammatory which will make you disregard the rest of my words, but you have my word that you will hear from me. My intent is not to argue with you.

Anonymous said...

Posted at Kimkins Exposed, September 27, 2007 at 7:05 pm by trudy

They’re wrong. Ducky = RightNow = PJ
Posted at The TRUTH Starts Here, 9/26/07 5:21 PM , by Kimmerexia

theTRUTH sez: "BTW: I am Ducky. We all are. ;)"

I'm Ducky too!!!

Thought you'd want to know.

Medusa said...

"Anonymous said...
Posted at Kimkins Exposed, September 27, 2007 at 7:05 pm by trudy

They’re wrong. Ducky = RightNow = PJ
Posted at The TRUTH Starts Here, 9/26/07 5:21 PM , by Kimmerexia

theTRUTH sez: "BTW: I am Ducky. We all are. ;)"

I'm Ducky too!!!

Thought you'd want to know.

March 30, 2008 6:22 PM"
Anonymous! Thanks for some great sleuthing!

So, way back on Sept. 27/07, trudy says "They’re wrong. Ducky = RightNow = PJ"

Wow. Now THAT'S very intriguing :^)

And those are interesting comments by theTruth and Kimmerexia.

Thanks for the heads-up. Looks like I've got a little more digging to do :^)

bluesuede said...

"I'm done." That sounds familiar - like I have heard it somewhere before ...

theTRUTH said...

Sorry for the explosion ppl. Just was getting fed up. I should know better.

theTRUTH said...

I'll say it again: I am Ducky.

If you look at the FWK thread from the same time period you will see a conversation about all of us being "Ducky". Like "I am Sparticus". Same exact context.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the quote from "The TRUTH Starts Here" was meant more to refer to Kimmerexia rather than to The TRUTH.

People who have blogs will often respond to comments in their comments section. When I was Googling "Kimmerexia" the other day, quite a few of the references turned up in the "Kimkins Exposed" comments sections.

I noticed that Ducky almost never responds in her comments section. But often Kimmerexia responds, and to my ear she sounds like Ducky in snark mode. A sockpuppet?

Further Googling showed that the term "kimorexia" appears to have been coined at LCF by PJ/rightnow on about 07/09/07. When people responded to the comment about kimorexia, they tended to use "kimmerexia" and PJ/rightnow would correct them. But then a poster with the name Kimmerexia showed up shortly afterward. She became very active as Jimmy Moore was making his "conversion" from Kimkins, and continued to comment on anti-Kimkins blogs after that.

Make of it what you will.

Cutie said...

i'll vouch for my snarky friend, kimmerexia as being a real person...he is not a sock puppet of kimorexia (originally PJ, now someone else)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Cutie! Sorry for the red herring, everybody!

Anonymous said...

uhm ... T ... so are we good for the time being, or no?

Your call. But we'll have to fight really fast before Jeanessa and all the other blessed peacemakers manage to talk some sense into us! :D

Seriously though, glad you're feeling better about things and sorry for the delay in reply. Will try to catch up tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

And by the way! My comment about "Jeanessa and the other blessed peacemakers" was and is entirely devoid of snarkiness.

Just thought I'd better clarify that.

Thanks everyone for your patience, friendship, and advice through these past couple of weeks especially.

Anonymous said...

Hi Medusa:

I've never posted before, but read daily. I don't have a lot of time to do sleuthing, but found some time today. Was reading "Exposed" today and found this to go with another's Anonymous post - from KimATC (JustKim? at LCF):
September 10, 2007 at 1:44 pm

Okay enough is enough. I did NOT stop posting at LCF because of Kimmer - it never had ANYTHING to do with her. I stopped posting at LCF because someone I thought was a good friend posted personal and private information that was only shared in an email. An unknown blogger (I think you are “RightNow” at LCF right?) doesn’t have that kind of power
It was in response to this blog entry:

Thanks for the great reading.

Medusa said...

To anonymous on April 1, 2008 at 2:37 PM:

Wow. Thanks so much for this information! Great sleuthing.

The plot thickens :^)

So glad you enjoy reading my blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and many thanks again for your tip!

Anonymous said...

Hi Medusa! Catching up here. :)

Cutie- I'll vouch for my snarky friend, kimmerexia as being a real person...he is not a sock puppet of kimorexia (originally PJ, now someone else)

HoneyBee- Hi Cutie, I want to clarify because I want to understand what you are vouching. I get what that you are saying that Kimmerexia is not a sock puppet.

But let me ask this to make sure the rest is being vouched as well.
1) Are you saying Kimmerexia and Kimorexia were not the same person during the blogging of Kimkins Exposed?

2) Are you saying that PJ is not Kimmerexia?

Anonymous-..[..].. Was reading "Exposed" today and found this to go with another's Anonymous post - from KimATC (JustKim? at LCF):
September 10, 2007 at 1:44 pm

HoneyBee- To add to your information there is a post by KimATC on ALC. Her user name is different there.
"Yep I'm curious just how much more resigned and removed I have to be As far as I am concerned, it shows his/her character as well. (sorry I can't remember if Right Now at LCF was a male or female)

I am sure I am the ONLY one that finds the comments totally ironic. I mean saying something, then someone goes back and copies a post and says "but see back here you said this.." and then of course well the "new" terms apply and not the old. It's the "new" that we go by now those previous posts must have been in error.

I'm sorry but I find this irony just funny."

Thanks for allowing the discussion and comments.

Cutie said...

hey there honey,

to answer your questions: kimmerexia was not kimorexia at any time & pj is not kimmerexia. also, pj/rightnow is a woman.

and because i'm in the land of dial-up at the moment (pause a moment to sigh in vexation)--i'm not able to go everywhere i want to go in a timely manner and for some reason, it's taking "forever" to try to go to your ALC link, so i give up trying. but if it's all referring to kimatc/justkim's posts about thinking that ducky was pj/rightnow--i remember when all that was going on & at that time, it was a popular theory among several people that pj was justducky. so i don't know that she had any further insight/information to go on that wasn't already out there. *shrug* if she does, i'm sure she can come and say otherwise. if that's not what your link was all about...then um...just never mind me and chalk it up to a "cutie ramble", mkay? lol

take care,

theTRUTH said...

Cutie: We love a good "cutie ramble".

On a serious note: Has anyone considered the possibility that Dusky might be the Obama Girl?

theTRUTH said...

Typo: Dusky should read Ducky.

Dusky just isn't funny.

Anonymous said...


Cutie- "to answer your questions: kimmerexia was not kimorexia at any time & pj is not kimmerexia.."

HoneyBee- Thank you for clarifying.

Cutie- "also, pj/rightnow is a woman."

HoneyBee- I knew that PJ was female. That is KimATC's words in quotations about not remembering if she is male of female.

It may not be clear that I was quoting KimATC and providing the link. To clarify my comment :) the following is KimATC's post from ALC
"Yep I'm curious just how much more resigned and removed I have to be As far as I am concerned, it shows his/her character as well. (sorry I can't remember if Right Now at LCF was a male or female)

I am sure I am the ONLY one that finds the comments totally ironic. I mean saying something, then someone goes back and copies a post and says "but see back here you said this.." and then of course well the "new" terms apply and not the old. It's the "new" that we go by now those previous posts must have been in error.

I'm sorry but I find this irony just funny."

Anonymous said...

Truth- Dusky just isn't funny.

HoneyBee- Sure it is...It sounds like a fine chippendale dancer name.
"David Dusky"
"Ben Dusky"
"Dustin Dusky"

theTRUTH said...

Yeah it was a Freudian slip. My stripper name is actually "Dusky Sky" and I am so accustomed to typing it, that it just slipped out...

Medusa said...

Okay, Truth, you've just stepped over the line.

I'll have you know that Dusky Sky is MY stage name and always has been.

Wanna arm wrestle? Winner takes all (name & costume)?

theTRUTH said...

It's a deal. But I should warn you that I am freakishly strong...

Medusa said...

"theTRUTH said...
It's a deal. But I should warn you that I am freakishly strong..."

Warning: I've got snakes

Cutie said...

honey: you were clear the first time with your kimatc post, i just read it too quickly, sorry! :)

truth & medusa: my sidekick, cleo & i could take you both down in a legwrestling match...

just sayin' ;)

theTRUTH said...

Oh, well, legwrestling. I admit I am outclassed.

Medusa said...

TRUTH, no fear!

I was born and raised in the Wild West and used to leg-wrestle at the Calgary Stampede. I've got some mighty strong calves (and not the four-legged kind).

Cutie & Cleo, you're ON!

Jamie said...

I thought cutie was kidding when she told me I was now a leg wrestler.

I have to admit that I gave up leg 'rassling after making lumberjacks cry up in Vancouver. Those plaid-plaited plebes never saw my shapely calves coming.

theTRUTH said...

Ducky = Sam Redman

Anonymous said...

wth? T, do you really think so or are you just being a controversialist :D