In what may have been a splash of misogyny and a spike in testosterone, Tom, owner of Netrition and Big Kahuna of Low Carb Friends (LCF), brings down the paddle on the posters on the Fascination with Kimmer thread at LCF...and then starts backpedaling!
It all started on April 28th, 2008, when he posted the following:
Why the fascination with Kimmer? #16
Welcome to: Why the fascination with Kimmer? #16
As a reminder, please be respectful of dissenting views and please avoid personal insults of others - including the subject of these threads. Thank you. "
Well, to put it mildly, I found that post just a tad unusual.
And then Tom posts this further admonishment on May 12, 2008:
Please try to stay on topic in this thread. Many members are complaining that they are interested in keeping up, but don't have time to read through all the chit chat. Use other threads for other topics. Thank you. "
And then, after being taken to task by LosingToLive, Tom does the big backpedal:
Originally Posted by LosingToLiveOops, Sorry Tom .
When we are "goaded" to respond, sometimes we ( I ) can't help it.
We have all worked very hard to get to thread number 17. We don't mean to take this thread in another direction, we're just making friends.*gasp*Yes, it’s important to stay on topic but we have all worked side by side for so long, it’s like a family reunion.
We understand what your’re saying, and we know that some people only have time for the "results". We are the ones that are bringing the "results", sometimes we get carried away with our hard work.
I for one will not clutter this thread with friendly talk; we don’t want this thread to disappear. I just don’t understand why things have changed.
I don't want people complaining to you while they are suffering. If they are having such a hard time with this thread, it must be pretty “traumatic for them to contact you. * I *(me) apologize. I’m not trying to be a jerk (sometimes it happens). I understand how someone wants "details only", but we are the ones that went out and *got those details*.
Tom, It is your board ,and we will abide by your rules. I wish I would have known that the rules change. WE have worked our butts off to get this info to the lawyers, etc. NO, we weren’t always on topic, but we kicked butt. Good job Ducks !If I disappear, ask around and someone will be able to contact me.
Take care Ducks, you're work is important. Stand tall, and keep going. We only wished that someone would have dropped the “details” in our laps, instead *we worked for them*.
No rules changed. I simply reminded everyone to try to stay on topic for the benefit of everyone that would like to read the thread. That doesn't mean to only post "results". I understand that friendships are made and there will naturally be some posts unrelated to the topic, but I just ask you to consider whether some of the comments could be posted in other more appropriate forums or threads or in a PM.
It actually doesn't matter much to me since I don't read all the posts in these threads, but some people that would like to are simply unable to keep up because of the large volume of off-topic posts and have expressed some frustration.
How do the rest of you feel about it? Do you think it's insulting to ask everyone to try not to stray so far from the topic of the thread? "
Well, Tom, you've taken a page out of Heidi's book. And guess what? It IS too late to take that back.
These posters are your bread and butter, lining your pockets with silver by purchasing from your company, Netrition.
It appears the damage is done, Tom, as there is much talk of a mass exodus from LCF because of the continual hand-slapping and admonishments by yourself and other admins.
And in a fit of pique this afternoon (Tuesday, May 13/08), Tom next posts the following:

Originally Posted by Mayberryfan
Linc/Lou ~
I'm not under the impression that anyone thinks Dee is OT. It's that some of us, myself most definitely included, have been reprimanded for making very mild, off-color remarks about Heidi and gotten a no-no note for it. Whereas, people, such as Dee, and others can come in with what appears to be an intent to stir up trouble, call the Ducks "haters" and other such nonsense and they seem free to say whatever they want for as long as they want. To me, THAT'S the crux of the discussion here about what's OT and what isnt. "

Originally Posted by Mayberryfan
Whereas, people, such as Dee, and others can come in with what appears to be an intent to stir up trouble, call the Ducks "haters" and other such nonsense and they seem free to say whatever they want for as long as they want. To me, THAT'S the crux of the discussion here about what's OT and what isnt."
"And we respect Dee's right to express her opinion especially since she was being talked about here. Do you feel she should be banned from the site because you don't agree with her - or would it make more sense to respectfully address her concerns as some others have done here. Instead you laughed and encouraged posts that tell her to not "let the door hit your A## on the way out." What type of reaction do you expect when people talk to you like that?"

Originally Posted by Tom
And we respect Dee's right to express her opinion especially since she was being talked about here. Do you feel she should be banned from the site because you don't agree with her - or would it make more sense to respectfully address her concerns as some others have done here. Instead you laughed and encouraged posts that tell her to not "let the door hit your A## on the way out." What type of reaction do you expect when people talk to you like that? "
"I didn't POST that Tom, I merely laughed in response to it. I don't have a problem with Dee posting her side of things. She has a right to express her side of the issue. As a matter of fact, I've had very few dealings with Dee. My problem is with the fact that lately we don't seem to be able to make any little off-color remark about Heidi. That's my issue!
Hey, it's your board and you can certainly run it as you see fit. I'm not someone who complains about other's posts. I've only complained about one person here and fortunately he chose to leave us on his own. I don't TRY to cause trouble, KWIM? "

Originally Posted by Tom
Another complaint about this? You were simply reminded by an admin of the terms of service because of your post: "Every gal needs a little "sea man" in her life." That's all. We don't want posts like that here."
"Tom, et al.,
If anyone was offended by that little joke, I honestly apologize. It was not intention to offend anyone (except for Heidi). It was simply meant to be a play on words. "
Actually, Mayberry, I would have told Tom to...

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I'm sorry, but I didn't take it that way at all! It's an unpopular view, I know... I've been a board admin and yahoogroup owner and moderator, so I took it like he was just doing his job.
Where I was offended was how he let Dee run roughshod over people, including announcing to people that she'd left an attack for them on her blog. How is that different than attacking them right there on the board?
I hear what you're saying, OYB...but with Tom and the other admins continuously deleting posts and chastising LCF members, the problem has finally reached critical mass. From what I've heard, their actions will likely result in an exodus from the FWK thread. Long-time posters are sick and tired of having their hands slapped.
Tom's admonishment in his first post on the thread on April 28th sounded the warning bell.
Addendum to my comment:
With respect to Dee, why are the posters on LCF continuing to engage her?
Dee's in Heidi's back pocket and spouting the usual Kimkins rhetoric. No matter what anyone says to her, she is not going to change her position...so why anyone is even bothering to try to educate her re the dangers of the Kimkins diet is beyond me.
Ignore Dee and she will slither back into the black hole that is Kimkins.
Medusa, I think we agree in principle, just not on perception of this specific event. I don't know that I've ever had a post deleted or a warning or even my knuckles rapped. However, I'm shocked at the posts that are allowed to stand. It's not just that the posts were overlooked - even posts that have been reported for being combattive, baiting, or attacking are still there.
I agree that ignoring Dee is the only way to go. It's really hard to do, though!
(((OYB))) "Medusa, I think we agree in principle, just not on perception of this specific event."
I agree ;^)
"I don't know that I've ever had a post deleted or a warning or even my knuckles rapped."
You are definitely among the very few, OYB, who have not been chastised. I'd wager 80% of the posters at LCF have had their posts deleted before even making the thread and/or had their hands slapped for some innocuous comment.
What's curious is the posts that are allowed to stay intact...case in point: Dee. Many of those who posted in response to her have received warnings or have had their posts deleted. And that's just not right.
I guess I'm just a rare example of calm logic and the grace of a true lady.
You surely are, OYB ;^)
wow, Medusa, you've done it again -- great blog!
Thanks, Yucky ;^)
Well, I feel like a star today! I just couldn't believe ANYONE would be offended by the "sea man" comment. Call me crazy, but it was a little too lame to be offended at! It would seem that some people LOOK for things to be offended about. Me? I just wanna have fun. Oh, and send Heidi to prison. Does that make me badbad??
Mayberry said, "...Me? I just wanna have fun. Oh, and send Heidi to prison. Does that make me badbad??"
No, that makes you goodgood ;^)
Frankly, I'm shocked that Tom doesn't realize that "sea man" is an entirely different kettle of fish than "semen." ;^)
I could KINDA see Tom's point about the "sea man" comment in the beginning. It did not offend me, but I could understand where they maybe thought it was a tad racy. But when Tom REPRINTED IT to make his point, well, frankly, what's the point of objecting to it then?
I think the re-post actually took it from innuendo to racy.
lol Di! Good point.
What gets me about the whole thing is -- as I've been ranting/raving/whining about it -- the unfairness and inconsistency.
Bone fide antikimkins activists who have worked their tails off have been banned from LCF because of simply trying to participate in the fascination threads. Others have been moderated to the point of rendering them effectively banned.
And still others have become so fed up with the unfairness and inconsistency that they've given up even trying to participate.
CrispyBread is allowed to hang out there, but Medusa isn't. Nor am I, nor are countless others.
Nobody's supposed to insult Heidi -- wth?!
And why are the Untouchables allowed to use their sigs to advertise what can only be described as self-serving commercial ventures? Christin's using her sig to advertise the cruise so she can get a discount. Deni's using her sig to advertise her photography business.
And the cake pix -- Wacky I think it was got snarked at for posting one cake pic -- but Christin can get away with posting several -- and how convenient that she SELLS these cakes.
I want Tom to admit publicly that the fascination threads have been and still are moderated unfairly and inconsistently. I want the current mods replaced by people who are fair, mature, consistent, don't play favorites, and who have been active in the antikimkins movement -- real Nancy Drews, not slacker snarks like Dottie or whoever the hell is "moderating" the threads.
For anybody who is fed up with the whole mess, uncensored fascination threads are now open at http://fascinated.yuku.com
Not unusual behavior at all, unfortunately. My best guess would be that the people with the highest Netrition purchases are the ones who get the best treatment.
I didnt take it that the off posts were about DEE at all, but what is the point of 5,000 pics of people's cats? or CAKES? There are quiet days in the whole Kimkins stuff, but people then have to check in and scroll through 10 pages of how are you, what are drunk on, here is my cat, here is my daughter, here is my house, here is my car, THAT is the stuff that is OFF topic and irrelevant.
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