Mariasol has the most interesting post on her blog today. Game of Chicken is an absolute must-read. It's simply brilliant.
As I was looking at the comments on Mariasol's post, I came across these very interesting observations from the great wordsmith and physics scholar Yucky and the very clever Prudentia.
"Yucky said...
If Train A leaves Station B traveling east and Becky's intimate knowledge of the Magic Chicken Diet arrives on the 14th of December but everybody else's intimate knowledge of the Magic Chicken Diet doesn't arrive until the 17th of December, what is the resulting force (F) of the mass of bullshit (Mbs) times the velocity of coverup (vC) upon impact with the truth (t)?
February 13, 2008 1:47 PM "
"Prudentia said...
I think the result is SPLAT ...Someone, Please Leave A Tip ...
I wish I had your way with words, Yucky! LOL
February 13, 2008 5:00 PM"
Sooooo...there IS a fox in the henhouse. How delightful!
If I were Becky, I'd be taking Train A out of Dodge, pronto...
UPDATE # 1 :
Mariasol has received another very curious comment on her blog post...
"Anonymous said...Is this Becky also Regandy? Or is there another Becky who snarled at the Ducks, blaming them for MCD woes? As it turned out, neither we nor Heidi had much to do with their demise - unpaid bills. Nor have we had much to do with their resurrection. But we are confoozled by the veiled animosity of the dot net guy towards certain blogs, skinny wives, and working women. Isn't it funny how even Kimkins spinoffs end up planting themselves in front of ducky microscopes?
February 13, 2008 11:05 PM"
"mariasol said...
anonymous - This Becky is littlebit. A lot of Becky's in this drama, as well as Amy's LOL.
Confoozled is a good description. Why has there been no public statement by the "true" MCD people?
February 14, 2008 7:28 AM"
And another very curious comment on her blog post...
"the other shoe said...
One. Name that tune: "They will not rest, apparently, until Tippy's site and this lady's site and anyplace else current Kimkins members might really fell warmly welcomed is gone."
Two. Name that step.
Three. Name that set which consists of those sets b, bb, hb, jbb, jmb.
February 14, 2008 1:29 PM "
Follow on Buzz
It was a terrific comment, wasn't it? Doug or Bob must be a science teacher or something. Awesome!
Btw, the candle site seems to have distanced itself from Bonnie as it is no longer promoting the MCD dot com site. Her picture is still there but her name is not mentioned anywhere.
Hmmm...well, isn't that strange that Bonnie's not promoting her Magic Chicken dot com site on her candle site. I wonder why?
Anyone got the scoop on that?
Medusa needs to know.
Eighty thousand.
(hey, National Cryptic Comment Week ain't over yet :)
It's all to cryptic for me! lol Very interesting post though...makes you go hummmmmmm
The link is still on the home page but is supposedly hidden from "view". I checked the page source and its still there.
As the Confoozled Anonymous, I was trying to sort out the various Beckys floating around.As a duck lover, I'm pretty sure neither the ducks nor Heidi had anything to do with MCD's demise. OTOH, possibly I shouldn't rule out its resurrection as having nothing to do with Heidi. Clearer now? Good! Now please explain what I said to me. I'm Confoozled.:-)
Who cares if the Hollywood writers have settled their strike or not? We've got a few of our own dramas going on to keep us busy and entertained. "As the Kimmer Turns" has been a huge ratings success. But, "All My Magic Chickens" is coming in a close second. And, never forget, we are at times treated to an episode or two of "One Jimmy to Live". What more could a duck ask for??
lmao re Mayberryfan's soap operas!
Medusa I love your blog. And everybody else's blog too of course -- you are all just wonderful to read.
Regarding your question as to why Bonnie Luper stopped promoting her chicken dot com, I think it's because she's going to be making "$80,000.oo" a year at her new job, accordinng to one of the strange babblings at the dot net. So my guess is that's what "yucky's detention" means -- Bonnie will be making a lot of money at her new job, so she's totally lost interest in promoting the chicken diet?
Somebody posted a possible solution to the one two three clue at Mariasol's blog. I don't get it :( Enough with the clues already!
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