Monday, December 3, 2007


EDITED (Thanks to BamaGal!) & UPDATED DECEMBER 4, 2007:

For months now, a debate has raged at over their inclusion of positive articles on the Kimkins starvation diet. The title of the blog was "Battles We Did Not Ask For," moderated by Chris Knight.

Both pro and con sides posted their positions, and the reasons why they held those positions. In the end, the debate became very nasty.

As posts were made to the blog, I received e-mail alerts. Unfortunately, I deleted all but the three most recent posts.

On December 3, 2007, Angel posted this:

"Angel said:

If the Kimkins Diet Scam is dangerous enough to be prompting a class action lawsuit, television investigations by three stations (KTLA, FOX, and KVUE), a series of articles in the local Corona newspaper, a continuing series at, and numerous blogs by Kimkins survivors and their supporters, plus many other mentions on the Internet, as well as major defections by disenchanted former employees who have admittedly seen the light, then perhaps there IS something to all this after all?

Just as the Private Investigator revealed that Kimkins is not who she claimed to be; the clips from the recent deposition showed her admitting that she lied about losing the weight and keeping it off and that she used pictures from the internet as her after pictures and those of made up success stories.

I suppose we could all just leave this discussion up to the legal eagles to see if they want to pursue any of the articles posted and their authors, but I would certainly not want to be among those supporting the scam, especially now that they have been alerted to the fact that it IS a scam.

I sincerely hope that no one is misled by the articles supporting Kimkins posted on Ezine, and because of being here, being posted all over the internet as well. Following the Kimkins Diet is dangerous to your health. It is literally a starvation diet. Heidi teaches that IF you are overweight, you don't need to eat because your fat will sustain you.

I agree with the other posters who have suggested that at the very least allow Missi or someone to post a disclaimer or rebuttal to the Kimkins articles as a warning and let everyone know that there IS a class action lawsuit they can join.If someone wanted to post an article on how to starve themselves to death, would you use it here?

In essence, that's what the Kimkins articles are promoting."


Here is Missi's post, made on December 1, 2007:

"Missi said:

"Christina wrote: If someone can pay and have a big ad in one of the most read newspapers, does the newspaper investigate if the products are really good, check the doctors’ integrity, etc? No… It’s obvious that the reader shall decide what to do alone."

Christina, that is not an article, it's an advertisement. And when reading an advertisement, one should always do a little research we are talking about desperate people stumbling on these articles, wanting so badly to find that quick fix. This is a scam. And it's not slander or libel. You see, any judge will tell you that in order to prove you have been slandered you have to prove what the offender said wasn't true. What Bama has said about Heidi is 100% true. She is obese, she's never used her diet and lost weight, she's never maintained the weight loss since she didn't lose it to begin with.

She is a fraud. You can see that by going here:

If this doesn't take you right to the kimkins story showing her admitting she's a fraud in her deposition then scroll down the stories on the side till you get to 11/29 and look for the kimkins story. That should explain it all to you right there. But if that still doesn't work, please read this:

'Who is the Woman in the Red Dress? (by Anani)

I’m haunted tonight. I can’t sleep because my head is full of images. Images of people just signing onto I can see them vividly and I can feel their feelings and hear their thoughts as they introduce themselves. As they type out their first greetings, nervous with anticipation and filled with renewed hope. Another beautiful soul, who has dared to dream again, hopping onto the magic carpet that will only disintegrate into dust.Who are these people? Heidi Diaz aka Kimmer doesn’t care. They’re faceless to her…just another $60 in her pocket.

Let me introduce you to some of these people. They are real. They are just like you and me.

There’s the woman who has battled with her weight all of her life. Her husband has left her for a younger and thinner woman, annihilating her feelings of self worth. She sees the beautiful woman in the red dress and gets excited for the first time in a long time. “Oh my God,” she thinks, I can do that too. If she can lose 200 pounds in less than a year, so can I. She immediately begins doing the math and based on what Kimmer tells her is possible, she realizes she can be thin in a few months and maybe she can shed the overwhelming shame she feels and won’t have to live in terror of running into the ex or the other woman. She begins to fantasize about running into him in a “sexy - in your face outfit” She also dares now to hope that maybe she even has a chance of finding a special new someone.

There’s the young girl who is so tired of crying inside all of the time. She looks at her thin friends with their cute clothes. She dreams of wearing those clothes and having the boys look at her. She’s tired of wanting to hide all of the time. She’s tired of feeling like she doesn’t fit in. Even in her own family. She’s tired of the disappointed look her mom tries to hide. She’s tired of her brothers making fun of her. She sees the woman in the red dress and for the first time she has hope. She begins to fantasize about fitting in. Having a boyfriend. Tubing on the river with her friends and wearing a bikini. Laughing and going to parties. Being normal. If she does what Kimmer says, she’ll have her dream in just 3 months, 4 tops.

Then there’s the Mom. She tired of her whole life being defined by her size and her weight loss attempts. Her mom put her on her first diet when she was 8. By the time she was 15 she was a compulsive dieter and over the years and after 3 pregnancies she has dieted herself up to 300 pounds. She can only sit and watch while her kids play at the park. She sadly watches another mom swinging with her kids. She yearns to run and play and swing with her own children. She is forever haunted by the humiliation of having the chair break under her while sitting in the gym at their Christmas concert. She has to squeeze into seats at the movie theatre and is terrified of going into restaurants and not fitting into the booth. She is so afraid that she embarrasses her husband in public and she can’t undress in front of him any more. She worries when her kids bring friends over that they will be embarrassed. She wants so badly for her kids and husband to be proud of her. She’s tired of feeling like a failure because she has tried every thing. She’s just about lost all hope.

She sees the Woman in Red.

There’s the woman who is tired of seeing jobs given to people far less qualified than her. She knows it’s because of her weight. She is tired of people never looking her straight I the eye when she is at the bank or in stores. She is sick of elastic waisted pants and long ugly shirts to hide her tummy. She is tired of having to settle for clothes just because they fit. Even though they are ugly and completely not her style. She has to go to a wedding soon and is dreading it because she can’t find anything to wear. It seems she has spent her whole life feeling like she is on the outside looking in. Just once she wants to know what it’s like to feel pretty. What it’s like just to feel normal. She’s tired of hating what she sees every time she looks in the mirror.

She sees the Woman in Red.

These women and millions of women like them, all have one thing in common. No, they don’t want to be the next super model. They want nothing more than the chance to be and feel…normal. To take for granted what it’s like to move freely, to go into a “normal” store and not only be able to buy normal clothes, but to actually have a choice of style and colour. To walk down the street or into a room and not feel eyes on them, judging them, to have people thinking …”why doesn’t she just go on a diet. To know that every time someone looks at them, all they see is their fat, not the beautiful, intelligent, creative unique individuals that they really are.

Heidi Diaz knows and understands the feelings of the women I have described. She has likely lived and experienced every one of them. She knows the desperation. Yet these are the feelings, and that very desperation that she has chosen to exploit in others like herself. She has zeroed in on that desperation that she understands so well and used it as a way to load her bank account. She created a diet with no basis in fact or scientific studies. She sells a diet plan based on her claims that there is “no such thing as starvation mode”. That “if you have excess fat on your body you don’t actually need to eat”. That “there is nothing more dangerous than being overweight”. That “you don’t need to eat dietary fat”. That “you don’t need to exercise”. That “you only need to take a multi vitamin to get your nutrients”. She has been asked to back up her claims with any sort of evidence or documentation, but she refuses. Why? Because she
can’t. They are theories and ridiculous notions that she cleverly fabricated in her own twisted and greedy mind.

She created this twisted and sick fairy tale while being morbidly obese herself. She can’t back up one iota of her plan, even with her own experience. Any attempts at weight loss she has undergone in her life have been miserable failures. She is the walking and talking, living example of poor life choices and ill health. But somehow she managed to lure nearly 40, 000 people into this deadly illusion with brilliant marketing, a beautiful website, slick and clever words and borrowing on the “credibility” of a nationally published magazine. All while hiding behind a fantasy picture of a thin beautiful woman in a sexy red dress, and promoting this…as herself. She created a completely false persona, a cleverly created story about her personal life and new found happiness and health, attached it to a picture of woman we have all fantasized looking like. And I must state again all while living in an obese, unhealthy body. And she is charging and getting $60 for this.

Heidi Diaz knows these women. She knows of their desperation and lost dreams, their desire to be normal. She knows their unbearable pain because she is one of these women. But she doesn’t reach out to them in understanding and compassion. She ruthlessly targets them and uses them. They are easy prey for her, because she knows their torment so well, because she lives in their mind.

People have been exploiting the desperation of the obese for years, but for a woman who lives and breathes that desperation and lost hope, to have done this, is about as morally bankrupt as a person can go. She cares nothing about the ever-increasing stories coming to light about people suffering ill health from following her advice. When confronted with these concerns by others, she states “It’s not my fault if they’re too stupid to go to their doctor.” She called those of us who dared to question her, “Recalcitrant Morons.”

There are still many followers hanging onto the dream. Many state that they are feeling great, having suffered no ill effects...(yet) They have lost weight. The diet works. They focus only on the stories of others that are still doing well, while ignoring the multitude of stories emerging of those who have not.

Well, there are many who have survived playing Russian Roulette. What if I were to say, “Well look at them, they’re all right, maybe I should try it too.” So I say to the myth that is Kimmer…”At least take down that silly, cute, harmless sounding name Kimkins and call it what it really is”. “The Russian Roulette Diet.”

In closing, I have this to say to all of you. Love yourself enough to do the research. To do what’s right for you and for those who love and need you. Your children, your husband, your sisters and brothers, parents and all who love you are counting on you to make the right choices. Please don’t sell their need for you and your long-term health and well being, for an illusion.

The illusion of The Woman in the Red Dress.'".

I can understand you don't want to censor anything and that's fine, but a link explaining that this is a known fraud/scam would only be fair.


NOTE: "The Woman in the Red Dress" was written by Anani.

Kudos to you, Missi, and to Anani for her eloquent "The Woman in the Red Dress."

Response to Missi's post from Christina Sponias on December 1, 2007:

Christina Sponias said:

Hi Missi!

There are too many comments in this thread; this is why you didn't read the continuation of our discussion. What I said in the beginning of the discussion was said before I learned that this is really a fraud and that it involves teenagers. Later I condemned that kind of article too."

"See all comments on this post here:"

I clicked on the link to read the entire thread again, and it's gone.


Today (Dec. 4th) BamaGal (Kimkins Kimkins Scam Kimkins Diet) did a search for Kimkins on This is her comment:

"That blog post is gone---but unfortunately many articles still remain. With no comments being published also.

Ezine Articles---Kimkins

authors: Robert Scheer, Wouter Van Dyck, Andrew Kryzak, Clark Johnson"

I bet some of those authors' names are familiar to you, no? Can you say "sock puppet"?

Follow on Buzz


Anonymous said...

That blog post is gone---but unfortunately many articles still remain. With no comments being published also.

Ezine Articles---Kimkins

Robert Scheer, Wouter Van Dyck, Andrew Kryzak, Clark Johnson


Kimkins Scam

Kimkins Diet

Medusa said...

Bama, thanks for the update. When I searched Ezine yesterday, nothing turned up for Kimkins. Must have been a glitch. I will put a note at the bottom of my blog post re the articles that still remain.

Thanks again for giving me the heads-up on this.

. said...

Yeah I tried to leave a comment on one after the KTLA did that show asking them to remove all of their articles pointing to kimkins and I gave them a link to the video as well as mentioning how this scam diet is promoted to teenagers and about that teenager who was eating 500 calories a day.

I always make sure whenever I report something I mention her marketing to teenagers because people take that more seriously.

Shes still going too, I caught what I assume was her or could have been an affiliate trying to suck a 14 year girl amongst a couple of others to do kimkins so I reported all her posts. She had only made a few over less then a day so caught that one quick and the teenager thanked me for letting her know. and her profile and posts have since been removed.

Kat said...

Friends don't let friends do Kimkins! Remember that cover girl on the WW Mag? Well, she learned the hard way about Kimkins and it's dangers!! Read her blog and decide for yourself.

Avenue Girl said...

I just did an ezine search and got "no results for kimkins."

I'd love to see the expression on the face of Wouter Van Dyck